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 You must Know your compelling why.  Why must this business be created? Why must You be the one to create it?  The why is your rudder/rock/beacon guiding all your decisions. “Will this take me closer or farther from my why?” The why is bigger than your fear.

 You must Do it.  Even though you don’t have all the information you must do it.  The reality of business is you will never have all the information.  The time will never be perfect, you will never have all you need.  “Go with what you know, learn as your go to grow.”  Get comfortable with uncertainty.

 You must Be open to cultivating resources, your support team, and advisory council.  Intentionally seek  your cheerleaders, knowledge guides, and door openers.   Seek out those who are willing, have the knowledge, and resources. Don’t be afraid to ask, that’s what successful business owners do.

 The Know, Do, and Be are your foundation to get going and create your business.

 Gloria J. Hausser, MBA

CEO, Thrive

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